Tag: Collaboration

13-15 16-20 Ableton Algorithmic music Audio Audiovisual Collaboration Composition Creative programming Estuary Field recording Hydra Improvisation Listening sessions Live coding MiniTidal Multichannel audio Music production Punctual Sampling Soundscapes

  • ALGORHYTMICS concert 23.11.2022 by authors and performers Ema Šimková, Ema Beličková, Teodor Potančok, Aleksandra Gudkova, Jakub Greguš

  • NEXT: ALGORHYTHMICS 3D online performance 27.9.2022 by authors and performers Ema Šimková, Ema Beličková, Teodor Potančok, Aleksandra Gudkova, Jakub Greguš

  • Live coding jam session on 14.03.2022 by authors and performers Ema Šimková, Jakub Greguš, Jakub Balog, Adrien Dráč, Tomáš Deák, Adam Baranec, Marek Fóra, Daniel Stepanek

  • ALGORHYTMICS Concert 13.4.2022 by authors and performers Ema Šimková, Jakub Greguš, Jakub Balog, Adrien Dráč, Tomáš Deák, Adam Baranec, Marek Fóra, Daniel Stepanek

  • TRACK 5 by authors and performers: Pavle Jovanović, Nenad Kovačić, Nenad Sinkauz

  • TRACK 4 by authors and performers: Dan Herceg, Pavle Jovanović, Bartol Knežević, Jan Knežević, Nenad Kovačić, Mak Rizvanović, Nenad Sinkauz, Rio Sinkauz

  • TRACK 3 – Construction 3.1. by composer Zoran Šćekić, performed by Dan Herceg, Pavle Jovanović, Bartol Knežević, Jan Knežević, Mak Rizvanović

  • TRACK 2 by authors and performers Dan Herceg, Bartol Knežević, Jan Knežević, Nenad Kovačić, Mak Rizvanović

  • TRACK 1 by authors and performers Dan Herceg, Bartol Knežević, Jan Knežević, Mak Rizvanović, Nenad Sinkauz, Rio Sinkauz

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